Mercury is a natural element found in soil, water and air. Even in small amounts, this liquid metal can lead to serious health problems. Mercury has a toxic effect on the human immune, digestive and nervous systems, it also affects the eyes, skin, kidneys and lungs. Typically, people are exposed to liquid metal poisoning by eating contaminated shellfish and fish..
Also extremely dangerous for the body are mercury vapors that penetrate the lungs and affect the mucous membranes (you can get such poisoning in the room in which the thermometer crashed). Examination of the body for mercury helps to detect the presence of a hazardous metal in the body. To determine the exact degree of poisoning, a urine test, a hair test for mercury, and a blood test for mercury are performed..
Everyone, at some level, is exposed to mercury. In most cases, the impact of liquid metal on the body is very minor, but acute exposure is possible, which can cause significant harm to health. For example, this can happen during a work accident. Some people are also chronically exposed to mercury, such as those who fish. Even ordinary household mercury poisoning from a broken thermometer can lead to serious consequences. One broken thermometer contains 2 g of mercury. When interacting with air, mercury immediately releases toxic fumes. Concentrations exceed MPC by 10-100 times. And if you aggravate the situation and use a vacuum cleaner to collect mercury, then it is 1000 times higher than the limit values. To identify the degree of infection and determine the level of danger to life and health, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the body for mercury..
Signs of mercury poisoning: Read
Mercury is a highly toxic element that can accumulate in tissues. This liquid metal is able to enter our body along with the air we breathe, penetrate through the skin, or with food. The greatest danger to humans is the inhalation of mercury vapor. Timely analysis for mercury will help determine:
An analysis for mercury will show the level of this metal in the body – it is measured in μg / l. Reference values will be indicators from 0 to 100 µg/l.
To test for mercury, human biosubstances such as urine, hair, blood, and nails are used. Each method should be considered in more detail..
A blood test for mercury is recommended to get an accurate assessment of the degree of poisoning. To do this, you must use whole blood, blood plasma, or red blood cells. Organically bound liquid metal accumulates to a greater extent in erythrocytes. As a rule, the concentration of this toxic substance in red blood cells will be 2 times higher than in serum. It should be understood that a blood test for mercury will show poisoning only in the period from 1 day to 1 week.
A urine test for mercury will also help to get the correct picture of poisoning – this biomaterial is recommended to be used to assess the effect of liquid metal inorganic compounds on the body. As a rule, a urine test for mercury is carried out for toxicological and medical and hygienic purposes. It is best to conduct such an examination of the body for mercury using morning urine and determining the level of creatinine in it. A urine test for mercury will show poisoning in the period from 1 week to 1 month. Urinalysis for mercury is the most common and reliable.
More complex than the previous ones, the analysis of hair for mercury helps to obtain a retrospective assessment of the effect of liquid metal on the human body over a fairly long period of time. It is in the hair that traces of the toxic element last the longest – they can be detected even years after a person has come into contact with mercury. For this reason, hair analysis for mercury is carried out when poisoning could have occurred a long time ago..
Before taking the biomaterial, a person should not undergo special training.
In case of detection of any indicators of intoxication of the body with mercury. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations in the analysis of urine, blood, hair. The first step is to find the source of the infection. The most common case of mercury poisoning, precisely because of negligence and poor cleaning of mercury from a broken thermometer. After any spill of mercury – it is MANDATORY to conduct a survey for the presence of mercury.