
Demercurization cost

Price for individuals in St. Petersburg:

Checking the air for mercury in an apartment or other room:

Inspection of the premises for the presence of mercury: – 2 thousand rubles.

URGENT DEPARTURE (arrival within 40 minutes)

Measurement of the concentration of mercury vapor at the place of bottling, up to 15 m2. Inspection of adjacent premises for separation, up to 60 m2 + 800 rubles.

Demercurization (chemical treatment):

The cost of chem. processing of one room from a broken thermometer is from 5 thousand rubles.*

at the rate of 1000 rubles. for 1m2, not less than 5 meters.

this service is provided only to those who previously ordered a paid measurement of the concentration of mercury vapor in our company, but for some reason postponed the processing time. Demercurization services without measurements are incorrect and unacceptable.

Complex: from 6 thousand rubles* Recommended!

1) Inspection of the premises and search for all sources.

2) Demercurization (collection and chemical treatment of all sources of infection)

3) Control survey (checking the quality of work performed)

The master determines the exact cost on the spot, depending on the complexity of the work.

Additional works: up to 1000 rubles.

in cases of demercurization of premises with hard-to-reach areas of mercury contamination (slits in parquet, baseboards, etc.)

Departure within the Ring Road: Free of charge (except for Peterhof, Lomonosov, Kronstadt)

The cost of traveling outside the Ring Road of St. Petersburg:

from 1km. up to 40km. 1000 rub.
over 40 km., payment at the rate of 30 rubles. kilometer

Night departure: Measurement + Demercurization 10000 rub.

From 22.00 to 08.00, the departure of operational personnel is paid with an increased coefficient.

Approximate processing price for legal entities:

The cost of these services depends on the area of ​​treated surfaces and the volume of mercury.
—  from 7000 rub. for 1m2 (mechanical and chemical processing).
Measurement cost:
— 8000 rub. For checking up to 50m2 of premises and searching for sources at the mercury spill site.

    When ordering online discount 5%